Please click above, and you will be taken to a secure page to enter your credit card information.

You will have an opportunity to print a receipt, and you will also receive an email confirmation of your donation.

Your credit card number is neither revealed to nor stored at Indian Head Fire Department.

Payments are processed by PayPal but you do NOT need a PayPal account to make a credit card contribution.

Why Donating to Your Local Volunteer Fire Department is So Important

Many residents are surprised to learn Charles County has volunteer fire side and a “combination” EMS system, meaning that it has both volunteer and paid EMTs, and paramedics. The combination system provides significant benefits to our residents, the most important of which is a large contingency of well-trained and dedicated volunteers who staff county emergency apparatus on a daily basis.

While Charles County recognizes the many benefits of volunteer fire-rescue and EMS services, it provides only a portion of the financial support needed for Indian Head Fire Department’s operations. Like all of the local fire departments, Indian Head’s ability to continue operations remain dependent on community donations and grants from Indian Head and county residents and businesses. The direct community support not only covers a part of our operating expenses (vehicle and equipment acquisition and repair, training, gear, uniforms, and more), it also ensures we retain a direct connection to the community.

How we solicit funds

Indian Head Fire Department does not:

  • Solicit funds over the telephone
  • Solicit funds door-to-door
  • Pick up checks at residents’ homes as a follow-up to telephone solicitations

If you receive a solicitation in one of the above-listed forms that references Indian Head Fire Department, it is imperative that you contact us immediately and provide as much information as possible. You may also call the Town Hall and file a complaint to help stop this type of unauthorized action.